KeanCatholics @ MFC Conference in Dallas

This summer, some members of the KeanCatholics community headed to Texas! Current member and undergraduate student Charleze, along with alumna Jhaelin were in Dallas to take part in their MFC community’s conference. Read below what Charleze has to share about MFC, how to get involved with the community, what they were up to at the conference, and more:

College students and youth members during worship at the conference

Missionary Families of Christ (MFC) is a charismatic Catholic community founded in 1981. Starting in the Philippines, it is now a world-wide community based in many countries in North America, South America, Europe, and Asia! It is centered around two very important aspects of Christian life- the renewal of families and the work of evangelization. The community is composed of multiple groups or “ministries” based on the parts of the family- Kids, Youth, Campus Based, Singles, Couples, Handmaids and Servants. In addition, the community acknowledges that the most important work of the Church is missionary work, so they continuously work to evangelize and enthusiastically spread God’s love to others. 

Each year, MFC USA holds a National Conference and it is hosted in a different US state every time. This year, from July 26-28, 2024, the National MFC Conference was held in Dallas, Texas at the Irving Convention Center. There were about 1,400 participants from all over the country in the conference ranging from all ages and ministries. The theme of the conference was “Unchanging God” from the verse: Hebrews 13:8 “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” Throughout the conference, participants were able to experience and encounter Christ through daily Mass, Eucharistic adoration, worship, attending talks on varying Catholic faith topics, and overall a great fellowship with others who share the same faith.

Highlighted in all of these participants is the Campus Based ministry, which is the young adult ministry of MFC for college students. Their visionary mission is “A renewed society in Christ through the campuses.” College students from all around the US were able to experience the conference together. Among these were college students from Kean University, Rutgers University, New Jersey Institute of Technology, and Montclair State University. During breakout sessions between the ministries, the Campus Based were able to come together to learn, pray, and have fellowship together. Some of the faith-based talks they heard were joyfully evangelizing, combatting vices to faith, and balancing time and faith. Overall, they were reminded of the Unchanging God who never stops loving us!

Campus-based participants from around the U.S. at the conference

Growing up in this community, I always look forward to the National Conferences because it reminds me that there are so many people my age who share the same faith and experiences. Despite being miles away or never meeting, I instantly click with brothers and sisters in the community and am always inspired by their stories and strong faith. Being able to encounter Christ and share beliefs with others is always a blessing.

After the conference, we take what we learned and apply it to our everyday lives to be able to stay as missionaries as Christ in our own areas. The MFC Campus Based ministry in New Jersey continues to do their mission and work throughout the year. Completely run by college students around the state, they have monthly meetings based on faith topics of their choice, Bible studies, rosary prayers, retreats, and fun fellowship activities that allow them to share and grow in the faith together! If anyone is interested, you can check out any of their platforms- website, instagram: mfccb.nj, or reach out to Charleze Fernandez:!

Photos & Written by Charleze F.


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